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March 27, 2008

#305 Good start!

I decided to get a new life this week!
Actually so far so good!
I slept not so late and woke up early!
So i can do other things before i go to work!
I helped my mum to do some of the 'home' work.
So she don't have to do it after her work. Because gurls have to do it all at home!

I try to save money! For my school and for later [??]
Try to be independent! Don't need others for help! I can do it by myself!
I will go back to school after the summer vacation!
And hopely i can pick up my Japanese Lessons!
Try to stop clubbing! Maybe once a month or in 2 month. Just want to be a nerdy! Just working and sitting @ home watching serie or something!
But on my day off, monday, i like to meet friends! :) My real friends!!

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