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September 8, 2007

#54 Customer[s] are NOT king[s]!!

I work 5 days in a fast food corner. From wednesday till sunday! Friday & Sunday are the most busiest days. But thats not important. Want to tell something about a regular customer. We got many from 'the oldies' who drink a cup of coffee or a can of beer. I respect 'the oldies' except only one!! I really hate him. He's so selfish! Maybe he is old so he is selfish! Like in the summer. Our backdoor, the frontdoor and another door are open. The 'oldie' always want to sit next the backdoor. If a familiar is sitting there, he will sit next to him and wait till the person stand up [order something or go to the toilet] and he immediatly sit on the seat next to the backdoor! So mean! Its very hot in the summer behind the frying pans. While we were sweating, that 'oldie' always close the backdoor!! No first asking someone to close the other door and when we are busy he close the backdoor! He said he had it cold! Come one!! wearing a t-shirt and a short pant! And later on the day when its heating inside he closing the frontdoor too OMG :S Is he crazy!! 25 degrees and closing all the door. But we open the doors after he closed. Because we sweating dead! and if he's cold sorry GO TO HOME AND WEAR A SWEATER OR SOMETHING ELSE! But i think thats really selfish not thinking about others! And he only drink some coffee and if he order some food he will always ordering when its very very busy while he sitting there for 3 hours already! Once he ordered a baquette of tartar. Everybody heard it. And when my mother brought it to him, he said i order a baquette vitamine not tartar!!! Ya right!!! But nevermind! But today he said something it really made me pissed!! He said he wish that The Netherlands looklike China. Because there was/is a law in China that a family only could have one kind. And mostly if its a girl 'they will gave it away' till there is a boy borned. But he said it different he said that if a girl is borned. It will be killed :S!!?? And he hope that in The Netherlands?? No girls aloud only boys?? SORRY BUT WHO GAVE YOU A BIRTH!!?? I don't think a stone or something. Damn is he gay or something CHI SIEN!! All crap!! I really hate him!! Customers are kings?? NOT!!!


Anonymous said...

woa.. ho jaw foh ah :P
mm ho kam kik hee la..


Anonymous said...

that old ass is such a LOSER!!!
I think that he's a lunatic..his mind is stuck in the cavenman age!! Go discover fire you wanker!!!

just pity that old fool.. because he's phetetic...