Just can't miss this year too
I'm so out with American movies
I haven't watch any of these movies that are nominated
Even Transformers 3: Dark Of The Moon I still need to watch
Any surprises?
Well I'm very curious how a black and white movie can be the big winner of the night!
The Artist won in total 5 awards
Well same as Hugo but the categories from The Artist are better!
The movies I want to watch after this award are The Artist & Hugo
My week with Marilyn because Michelle Williams & Midnight In Paris
I guess it's a very romantic movie LOL
Some Results:
Best Picture: The Artist
Best Actor: Jean Dujardin - The Artist
Best Actress: Meryl Streep - The Iron Lady
Best Supporting Actor: Christopher Plummer - Beginners
Best Supporting Actress: Octavia Spencer - The Help
Best Director: Michel Hazanavicius - The Artist
I'm to lazy to update all of it
Just go here for the complete list ^.^
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