Nathalia Boa Vista in the show ^^
I was just so happy when she replied @ my twitter comment!

She's the first Hollywood star who replied on my comment
I'm just so happy
I'm currently watching the show CSI:Miami

Eva LaRue as Nathalia Boa Vista appeared in Season 4 as recurring star.
In Season 5 she became a regular cast alongside David Caruso, Adam Rodriquez, Emily Procter, Khandi Alexander, Rex Linn & Jonathan Togo
Season 5 is the last season that I owned on DVD
SO after it I need to wait for the next CSI:Miami Box
I think it will took a while ..
I love to see Nathalia with MR Wolfe in the show
I'm not so far yet ..
BUT I read they will be in a 'relationship' later in the show?
Well I hope so
I like Nathalia much more than news reporter Erika
they are just so cute together
(till now (season 5.01 "RIO") I think MR Wolfe is just so stupid against Nathalia, because the mole incident)

Is she really from 1966??
I hardly can believe that when I saw her in CSI:Miami
I really would guess around the age from Adam & Jon ..
Like 1974-1976 ..
Wish I also can look like that around that age ^^
She is of French, Puerto Rican, Dutch, and Scottish ancestries
So that's why my twitter comment about the dutch ^^
I'm not dutch but born and bred here so it's my language
BUT not very useful
I saw some scenes from her wedding with her husband @ YouTube
OMG so romantic to marry on a beach ..
If you read this post:
I hope you can live a long happy wonderful life with your husband and daughter Kaya

So funny that Eva's daughter Kaya has a big crush on Jonathan Togo
Just like me LOL .. Totally addicted to MR Ryan Wolfe
More Info from Eva LaRue:
Follow Eva LaRue @ Twitter!/evalaruecappoo
Now I hope a reply or RT from MR Ryan Wolfe ..
My obsession and addiction Jonathan Togo ♥
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