Chinese: 偷心大聖 P.S. 男
English: PS Man
Genre: Romance/Comedy
Episodes: 21
Country: Taiwan
Year: 2010
Rating: 8.8
The love story of this serie was a little bit dragging.
The story of the last few episodes was a little set up to Xia He Jie & Xiao Qian, so losing Meng Cheng En a little bit out of sight.
And Amanda & Xiao Tuo Luo wasn't even a part of the main story anymore.
It was a happy ending, but I think it could be better!
I must say I like Blue much much more in Easy Fortune Happy Life. I more like the evil look than the player look LOL. Its just so weird to see his ugly hair! LOL
I love him with Sonia. They make so HOT couple! MODEL & HOT BOY LOL
I like Sonia's supporting role in B&W more than in here. I don't know why. Because the characters are really different. Its maybe weird to see her suddenly so many onscreen LOL
Other side I actually like Sonia more with James LOL..
Blue wasn't the most eye catching, but James Wen. This is my first real big serie of him and I think his role in here is so cool that I make me like him! Thanks to his character haha.
Sorry for Bianca Bai's fans. I don't know but I just don't like her! Maybe because her character. Its always the 'bad' one! But this time it wasn't so bad like Fated To Be Love You!
Thanks to the making off and ofcourse the serie!
I'm so in love with Sonia & James that I gonna watch Happy Times, where she gonna pair up together! ^^
And I have to correct! James Wen is playing the main character in there and not the second!!

After Xia He Jie was arrested for crashing a private event that Amanda attended, he was sentenced to 158 hours of community service in a kindergarten. And thus, it began the most hellish 158 hours of his life. There he met Ma Xiao Qian, a teacher who not only didn’t fall for his charming personality like the rest of the female population, she made him suffer for every minute of his community service. What he didn’t know was that Xiao Qian was a former neighbor who he had bullied relentlessly as a child. Now, she is bend on revenging for the miserable childhood that she endured under his tyrannical reign.
Blue Lan - Xia He Jie/Jerry
Sonia Sui - Ma Xiao Qian/Gang Ya Mei
James Wen - Meng Cheng En/Sam
Bianca Bai - Amanda/ Jiang Shu Zhen
George Zhang - Liu Cheng Mao/Da Mao
Zhong Xin Ling - Huang Ma Li/Mary
Xiao Xiao Bin as Xiao Tuo Luo/Jiang Yu Kai
Yan Jia Le as Amy/Chan Fong Xing
Chen Mu Yi - An Da
Wu Jia Shan - Ma Yang Hen/Ah Ma
Hsia Ching Ting - Ma Cheng Lung
Yang Xiu Hui - Mei Xiang
Chen Wei Min - Ma Cheng Fu
Yang Ying - Hu Xue
Wang Dao - Meng Kong Su
Chrystal Li - Kelly
Chris Wang - Yu Hao
Guest Starring:
Xu Jie Hui - Kang Ge
Xiao 8 - Xiao S
Tan Ai Zhen - Judge
Zhao Zi Qiang - Xia He Ping
Luo Bei An - Wang Ming An
Chan Si Jung - Food Vender
Jozie Lu - Ai Mi
Lance Yu - Peter

Xiao Qian
Xia He Jie
Meng Cheng En
Ma Li
Da Mao
Xiao Qian & Xia He Jie
Xiao Qian & Meng Cheng En
Xiao Qian, Xia He Jie & Meng Cheng En
Da Mao & Ma Li
Xiao Qian & Ma Li
Xia He Jie & Da Mao
Angel Kindergarten
I only hate Amanda when she went to the village and the conversation she had with Xiao Qian. She did it for Xiao Tuo Luo, so there was a time I really dislike them, but further there was nothing
Theme: 我是誰我是誰我是誰 by Magic Power
Sub: 我們沒有在一起 by Rene Liu
OST: Summer by Magic Power
OST: 時間倒轉 by Magic Power
OST: 困在台北 by 嚴爵
OST: 我不想念 by Rene Liu
OST: 愛情爭奪戰 by 阿沁
OST: 我喜歡(不,我愛) by 嚴爵
Memorable Scene:
- Most of the scenes from Xia He Jie & Xiao Qian.
- Most of the scene from Meng Cheng En & Xiao Qian. He is just so sweet against her
- The bday party from Amanda
- The scenes from Xia He Jie & Xiao Qian in the village. The beginning when Xia He Jie help Xiao Qian to pretent to be her BF. The second time when Xia He Jie said he love her and the thirth time when he want to find back the present.
- The daydreaming from Xia He Jie & Xiao Qian
- The bios scene, where Xia He Jie introduce hisself again to Ma Xiao Qian
- The conversation from Xiao Qian & Amanda. Amanda was hoping Xiao Qian can give up Xia He Jie
- The conversation from Amanda & Yu Hao. The first talk when they meet again.
- The Angel Kindergarten graduation day on the beach!
[credits: wiki.d-addicts, en.wikipedia.org, ttv.com.tw]
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