Now I finally got a 'fake' one LOL
It wasn't in my size but I couldn't let it there!
So I take it, it was only 10 bucks OK lah ^^
Next to the Tee I also bought 2 DVD's and a game!
Lust Caution & The Eye 10 and the game Wii Fit +
Everybody knows I'm losing some weight
So the Wii Fit + is a step forward!
To improve my balance, to burn fat & yoga ^^
I'm doing well, but also change my daily food!
The low calerie is The best!
Tuesday is potato salad day & Wednesday is fruit salad day
I'm happy didn't miss my TV night ^^
CSI:NY S5 is almost done on TV
What are they gonna air after it?
Season 6? Or go back to the first 12 episodes of S5?
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