I recieve it from my sis Rain

The rules are:
1. Each blogger must post this rules
2. Each blogger starts with ten random facts / habits about themselves.
3. Blogger that are tagged need write about their own blog their ten things and post these rules. You need to choose ten people to get tagged and list their names.
4. Don't forget to live them comment telling them they've been tagged and to read your blog
*10 Randoms Things About Me:
- I Like to sleep! My bio rhythm is very bad! I sleep when peoples are awake and i mostly wake up around 3 PM
- I love Ice Cream! I can eat 10 scoops! Maybe more! I haven't try it yet! I love Cocos Ice Cream from the Italian, Matcha, Ben & Jerry and Macadamia Nut Brittle from Haagen Dazs!
- I'm addicted to 4 leaves clover after I watched Hearts Of Fencing! My collection is growing
- I like to watch series, movies & variety shows! Series from Singapore, Taiwan, HK & USA. Movies from Korea, USA, Japan, HK & Taiwan. Variety Shows like Take Me Out, Beautiful Cooking etc
- I love food and love to cook! I always try something else to make!
- I want to lose weight! It grew in 2 years when I was a vegetarian when i was 16! And still have that weight! I want to lose 10 kilo at least!
- I always want to make a trip through Asia for 3-6 months! Through China, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, Korea, Japan etc.
- I don't have any education! I didn't finish my school! That's really bad! But I have to work!
- I always want to meet stars in Real Life ^^
- Beside my 2 sweet fishes! I want an another pet!
*I give the Awards only to 2 peoples LOL
Because i don't know more!
Mostly I went to stars blog!
1 comment:
hiya thnx^^
Umm is het de bedoeling dat ik het op mijn blog zet?
~X cindy
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