Chinese: 老婆大人
English: Just Love
Genre: Romance/Comedy
Episodes: 20
Country: HK [TVB]
Year: 2005
OMG i watched this in 3 nights LOL
And it wasn't even so good!
But i enjoy watching it ^^
I hate Selena in the last few episodes!
She doing everything for her own will!
And Patrick Tang stayed so sweet against her
Also she hurts him! He don't care!!
Johnson was so funny!
With his 'wai tou' accent!
And funny with Fiona!
Now i understand why Fiona is maybe not in Part II
Because they are not official together ^^
But i was wishing for more scenes of them :(
But I still love BT more!
And Jessica is so great!
Sunny's character was way down!
The first point in a relationship is trust!!
And that was missing!
But all Happy Ending!

Jessica is a judge and always goes out to work so her husband, Sunny, stays at home to take care of their baby and do all the housework. Before Jessica and Sunny got married, she wanted him to sign a contract about the things he was going to do when they became a married couple. Jessica and Sunny argue a lot and Sunny's dad, as well as Sunny's other village friends and relatives, are fed up with Sunny acting like a housewife and being so afraid of Jessica. Jessica and Sunny have many problems rising in their marriage. This includes Dave who is also a judge. He is Jessica's ex-boyfriend and still has feelings for her.
There are many side stories which include the relationships between Patrick and Selena, Johnson and Fiona and also Natalie's sudden return to Hong Kong as well as her feelings for Dave. These stories are all very interesting!
Jessica Hsuan - Ko Hei Man
Sunny Chan - Kot Kwok Kwong
Dave Wong - Tai Chi Hung
Patrick Tang - So Ah Kee/AK
Selena Li - Leung Yan Yan/YoYo
Johnson Lee - Kot Duk Wun/13 Kong/Vincent

Fiona Yuen - Lo Wing Sze/Vinci
Natalie Tong - Kot Bo Yee/Bowie
Lo Hoi Pang - Kot Duk Tung
Lui Shan - Chung Ding Ying
Casper Chan - Kot Bo Poei
Felix Lok - Ko Tin
Chan Ka Yee - Lo Wai Kuun/Diana
Nathalie Wong - Debbie
Joel Chan - Pat Lai Yan/Brian
Love Character:
Hei Man
Kot Dak Wan/13 Kong
Dai Chi Hung
Bo Yee & Dai Chi Hung [Friends/Lovers]
13 Kong & Vinci [Enemy/Lovers]
YoYo & AK [Lovers]
Chung Ding Tung/Tung Sok
Kot Kwok Kwong

Memorable Scene:
-13 Kong & Vinci scenes! They are so funny!! Like when The dog refuse to eat! So they doing things to let the dog eat! Draw a heart on a tree! Say I Love You and kiss! So romantic! And so pity when 'Dai Kauw Fan' died!

-When Yoyo told everybody the truth! That she did everything because she hate Hei Man! Because Hei Man don't deserve the best and she do!
-When Yoyo want to leave HK. Because she lost everything! But AK told her she still have him! AK still love her! And ask her to married him!
-Bo Yee let Dai Chi Hung know that miracle exist! Like Their Love? But after He finally know what he really want
-Kot Kwok Kwong told on court that she don't love Hei Man and want to divorce with her! He did it only because he want to help her!
-Even they don't get married! 13 Kong & Vinci started a new friendship! To learn each other better!
-Sai B is cute ^^
The Contract ^^
But its in Chinese ^^
第一章 夫妻間生活守則
第一條 婚後不與家公家婆同住。
A. 同住之定義是指不能共同居住於同一區。
B. 同區之定義是根據香港特區政府之區域劃分法。
C. 同住之定義亦指於廿四小時內共同逗留於同一室內超過十二小時。
D. 家公家婆亦泛指男家之所有親友。
第二條 未得妻子同意,恕不招待男家之親友。
第三條 未得妻子同意,丈夫不能勉強妻子與男家親友聚會。
第四條 丈夫不得向妻子說謊。
A. 不論謊話是善意或惡意,均不被接納。
B. 丈夫對妻子不得有任何隱瞞,所講的必需是事實之部份或全部。
第五條 男主內,女主外,丈夫要負責家中一切家務雜務,包括湊仔、煮飯、洗衫、洗廁所等等。
A. 不論人前人後,均要貫徹男主內,女主外的大前提。
B. 妻子不會再為丈夫的面子作任何掩飾或做戲,以圖瞞騙男方的親友。
第六條 一切以妻子的工作為重,丈夫不得干涉妻子的工作,或作出任何影響妻子工作的舉動。
第七條 夫妻間各自財政獨立,唯丈夫需負責家用及兒子的生活費。
第二章 丈夫個人守則
第一條 不得出入色情場所。
A. 包括合法或非法之色情場所。
B. 不得以任何藉口在有關場所經過、出入或逗留。
第二條 不可沉迷賭博。
A. 包括合法或非法之賭博。
第三條 不可服食違禁藥物。
第四條 不可攝取過量酒精。
第五條 不得與妻子或家人以外的異性有過份、及不必要之親暱舉動。
A. 〝是否必要〞、〝過份〞或〝 親暱〞之定義由妻子介定。
第六條 不可作出傷害妻子的行為,包括心理上、生理上,〝傷害〞之定義以妻子的感覺為依歸。
第七條 不可觸犯任何法例。
第八條 不可相約損友蘇亞基,又名AK見面。
A. 蘇亞基的身份証號碼為K267xx3(2)
B. 蘇亞基姓名之中文電碼為1667 2348 3233
第九條 不可違反婚前協議書的內容。
第三章 夫妻間相處細節
第一條 丈夫需要定時向妻子報告行蹤。
第二條 丈夫在任何時刻,均不能與妻子失去聯絡。
A. 任何藉口,例如沒有帶電話、電話冇電…之類原因,皆不被接納。
第三條 丈夫不能探問或提及妻子的工作內容。
第四條 丈夫不能企圖或意圖影響妻子的觀點意見、以及對事物的看法。
第五條 若夫妻間對事物持有不同意見,以妻子的意見為最後依歸。
第六條 丈夫不可沉迷工作,忽略家庭生活,一切需以家庭為重。
第七條 丈夫需關心愛護妻子,每晚要服侍妻子,待妻子入睡方能睡覺。
第八條 丈夫有責任了解妻子之喜好,並應盡其所能滿足妻子的要求。
第九條 丈夫應尊重妻子意願,不可勉強妻子做任何非自願去做的事。
第十條 不可在家發脾氣,更不能在孩子面前發生爭執。

[credits to TVB]
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