It was my first time there >.<
Just a little bit strange to be there >.<
I met Cindy there ^^
I was a little bit late
Just slept over hehe
Saw a friend there
Wehehe never know i will bumped into Qiang!
Haha just weird!
Because Almere is not that 'little'
We went to Drewes to eat something
Its a look a like bagel & beans shop ^^
Cindy advised me to tast the home-made cheesesalad!
So i took a bagel with that and a mint tea!
Cindy took a pain with the same like me and a 'rooibos' tea with caramel taste
I must said the cheesesalad was delicious!
Its actually very easy to make!
But what is the 'sauce' that they used through it!
That make it double delicous ^^
But it was a great 'lunch'
And a place to go *NEXT TIME AGAIN*
After we shoped a lil
Because it was already late!
Just 1 hour and 30 min to shop ^^
I'm really jealous @ Cindy ^^
Why? DONT TELL YOU! hahahaha
But i think she will know why ^^
I only bought some hair accesoires and a purple oversize shirt for clubbing LOL ^^
Oww and many stickers LOL
For making cards ^^
Cindy showed me whole Shopping Area of Almere
Its pretty nice to shop ^^
So next time again!!
And the lighting tree is so beautiful ^^
If its snowing and u are there with ur love PERFECT LOL
After we went to La Mancha
We took that Tapas sh*t
I never do it before
Because i always though it was bread with different sauce BLABLABLA
But we took 5 different dishes that we shared together ^^
We took:
11.Esparragos con salmon
[asparagus with salmon]
25.Empanada de atun
[torta with tuna]
[corn paste with chicken breast, corn and bechamel sauce]
59.Tortilla Espanola
[Spanish potatoes omelet]
63.Humita Vegetariana
[vegetarian paste with corn, spinach and cheese]
NO 59 doesn't have taste!
NO 63 is very delicious!
It don't look really much!
But it was enough!
Because we took a desert ^^
It just sound so delicious ^^
Cin took a Banana Tropicana, banana from the furnace with vanilla ice and cream!
I took a Brochette du Frutas, 2 sticks with fruit from the furnace with cocos ice and caramel sauce and cream ^^
It was so delicious!!
We just spend there 2 hours i think!
It was nice and nice talk ^^
After we just walked to the train station!
Cin took the bus and I took the train!
I must said Almere is really far from Beverwijk!
Because the bad train connection ^^
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