Only a lil bit from Miss HK
But both results are announced already!
Miss HK was announced last week already and today was Mr. HK

Results Miss HK 2008:
Winner: #3 Edelweiss Cheung
1st RU: #6 Skye Chan
2nd RU: #11 Sire Ma
Finalists: #4 Samantha Ko, #7 Hilda Leung
#5 Jovy Leung, #8 Angela Yiu, #12 Denice Wong
Special Awards:
Miss Photogenic: #11 Sire Ma
Miss International Goodwill: #6 Skye Chan
Miss Internet Popularity: #2 Nadia Lun
Miss Tourism Ambassador: #4 Samantha Ko
Miss Trendy Vision: #7 Hilda Leung
My thought:
*Profile Pics: #1 Ana Man #8 Angela Yiu #9 Iris Tse
*The Best openingsvideo: #2 Nadia Lun #8 Angela Yiu
*The Best Smile: #2 Nadia Lun
*First Question: #4 Samantha Ko #5 Jovy Leung #10 Joyce Shin #11 Sire Ma
*Best Dress:#4 Samantha Ko #11 Sire Ma
*Best Swimwear Potrait: #2 Nadia Lun #8 Angela Yiu
*Best in Swimwear: #6 Skye Chan #7 Hilda Leung #8 Angela Yiu
My Favo: #8 Angela Yiu

*#3 Edelweiss lookslike Isabella Leong a little and darn she is tall: Height: 5’10½”
*#8 Angela lookslike Singapore Actress Apple Hong
*Like #3 became a lucky number! Because last year Kayi Cheung also had that number!
*This year only 12 contestant in the final!
*Last year First Runner-Up Grace Wong stealing the show ^^. First the dance with Michael Tse & Nancy Wu and reached out 3 prizes!

Results MR HK 2008:
Mr.Hong Kong: Michael Tsu Wilson
Matuiry Champion: Michael Tsu Wilson
Youth Champion: Joey Law
Well i couldn't find a clear pic from the candidates and from the youth champion!
But i can say the Youth champion is much cuter than the winner!
I think he won because his muscles!! His chocolat bar LOL
But we will see who's more cutie LOL

This is not Joey! This is Calvin #9. Cute ^^

OMG i watched it already!!
Winner Michael really scored very high!! First round around the 550!
Thats very high!!
Winner Youth team Joey Law only had around the 400 in the first round!
Only #6 & #9 are cute!
Mature team was better than the Youth team LOL
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