Korean: 천국보다 낯선 /Cheon-gook-bo-da Nat-seon
Chinese: 比天国陌生
English: Stranger Than Paradise/Heaven
Genre: Drama/Romance
Broadcast Network: CBS
Episode: 16
Country: Korea
Year 2006
Finally finished my second! Korean serie! Maybe i did a long time to watch it but i can say its a good serie! Maybe a little bit complicated! The love story between the 3 main charachters and the gurls around them. A good complicated, touching, romantic drama!
I thought the main charachters are unknown for me! But now checking their film list! Its being quite familiar! Main charachter Lee Seung Jae was in Publim Enemy and in The Netherlands shooted movie Daisy! Maybe i saw him with Jeon Ji-Hyun :D HAHA. Uhm Tae Woong was in Public Enemy 2 and i want to see movie Forever the Moment [2007]. Female leader Kim Min Jung was in the superproject KAIST [2000] and Kim Bin Woo only have two series on her list! This one and I REALLY WANT TO SEE SERIE PHOENIX [2004]!
All stars did a great job! Kim Min Jung is so cool! I like her style! Uhm Tae Woong's charachter is so sweet to Kim Min Jung! He really do everything for her! Also like Lee Seung Jae's charachter! Hee Ran is really a lucky woman! Kim Bin Woo is maybe the second female leader! But you really often see her outside an another scene beside her own Coffee Shop & San Ho's home! Its all about the other 3 and the mother! But i really love Eun Soo's Coffee shop! I want one like that!! ^^
The brothership between the 2 main charachter is also very touching + the mother ^^
Yun-jae is a lonely but successful lawyer who was abandoned as a child and adopted to Canada.
One day, he goes back to Korea after receiving word that his birth family was found. But he fails to meet his family and after returning to Canada, finds out that a trusted colleague and his girlfriend have both betrayed him. He loses the will to live and jumps off of a cruise ship. However he is rescued along with Hee-ran, a popular singer who jumped off the cruise ship at the same time he did. Yun-jae and Hee-ran who meet in this unusual way, take a beautiful journey through Canada together and part after a sweet farewell kiss.
San-ho, grew up in a family that was so poor that his parents were forced to abandon his older brother as a child. And he becomes Hee-ran’s road manager in the hopes of becoming successful. Although people don’t take him seriously, he is full of ambition and aims to become one of the most powerful men in the entertainment industry. He is also in love with Hee-ran. He goes to look for his older brother Yun-jae, in Canada, and brings him back to Korea when he finds him.
After meeting his mother who has Alzheimer’s disease, and frivolous and irresponsible brother, Yun-jae almost regrets having been reunited with his family. But he decides to stay in Korea in order to help them out. Afterward, Yun-jae meets Hee-ran again and finds out that he has fallen in love with the same woman as his brother.
Lee Seung Jae - Ru Yun Jae
Uhm Tae Woong - Kang San Ho
Kim Min Jung - Yu Hee Rang
Kim Bin Woo - Eun Soo
Son Byung Ho - Chief Nam
Kim Hae Sook - Jin Buk Ja
Park Yong Soo- Hee Ran's father
Baek Chan Gi - The Priest
Park Yeong Seo
Oh Mi Yeon - Yun Jae real mother
Jo Hye Yeong
Nah Eun Kyeong
Song Seon Hee - Jane?
Love Charachter:
Yun Jae
San Ho
Hee Ran
Yun Jae & Hee Ran [Lovers]
Yun Jae & San Ho [Brothers]
San Ho & Hee Ran [Friends]
Yun Jae, San Ho & Hee Ran [Love Triangle]
Yun Jae, San Ho & Jin Buk Ja [Family]
San Ho & Eun Soo [Friends/Lovers]
Hate Charachter:
Chief Nam
사랑의 첫 단계의한 소품
Still Here - Winter Green
그댈 위한 사랑 - 이정
Stranger Than Heaven - N.EX.T
가슴 시린 사랑 - 김민주
Sometimes - Winter G
나비의 꿈 - 김민주
N.EX.T - Stranger Than Heaven
Memorable Scene:
-The Water Scene with Hee Ran & Yun Jae. When they both 'fell' in the water
-The Sweet Kiss Scenes from Hee Ran & Yun Jae
-When Hee Ran & Yun Jae looking for the lake! 'Wise Man Said...' ^^
-The break up from Hee Ran & Yun Jae! Was so * sniff *
-San Ho's sleeping song! ^^
-When Hee Ran & Yun Jae playing with water and San Ho saw it!
-San Ho beaten by his 'old followers' to get the contract of Hee Ran. so Touching!
-The supporting of San Ho against Hee Ran
-Hee Ran sing a song for Yun Jae. Because He's unhappy
Rating: ****
[credits to sbs.co.kr & d-addicts]
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