Today is my cousin Qiao Qiao's birthday. My mother and I when 'shopping' first, because we had to buy a birthday present for Qiao Qiao. While shopping Poesan joined us :). We bought a make up bag with eau de toilette and a music box of Cinderalla. My mother thought its poor if Shanshan get anything, so she bought a 'dog in bag' for her. Later we met my uncle, cousins and nephew in @ Orientel for Yamcha. My uncle picked up my nephew @ Schiphol Airport. Its his first time in The Netherlands. He's here for study! We ordered many things! FOUR DISHES OF 'HA CHEUNG' lol OMG. After Yamcha we went to a jewelry shop where my cousins shoot a earring. They are 'old' enough to get one :). They were very brave! I could't listen to it when its shoot because am scared they will yell LOL. Later we split up. My mother went to a auntie, my uncle, cousins & nephew were going home & Poesan & I went to shopping! Poesan & I first went to the 'jewelry shop'. I bought a hair-band & a mobile hanger from a vixen LOL. In the city a bought a yellow/white top, yellow blouse & gold/yellow shoes. It was yellow day!! My mobile hanger was yellow too :). And we bought things for Shanshan [another shan :P]. Later we went to the movie Ratatouille. An animation movie about a rat! After the movie we want to eat something but we hadn't so much hungry but want to eat something small, so we went to Sub-Way to have a sandwich. We took Honey Oat bread with Chicken Fajita with cheese. YUMYUM. Later Poesan went 'home' and i went to HC to meet up with my Mother. :)

Director: Brad Bird
Tagline: Dinner is served... Summer 2007
RunTime: 110 min
Remy is a rat, constantly risking life in an expensive French restaurant because of his love of good food, as well as a desire to become a chef. Yet, obviously, this is a rather tough dream for a rat. But opportunity knocks when a young boy, who desperately needs to keep his job at the restaurant, despite his lack of cooking abilities, discovers and partners the young Remy. Its up to the two of them to avoid the insane head chef, bring the rest of Remy's family up to his standards, win his partner a girl, and, of course, produce the finest Ratatouille in all of France
[credits to imdb]
Cute ^^Site:
you can watch the trailer here was funny!! I really like animation! Its a must watch for young and old! :)
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