I'M SO SAD!!! All my favo are heading home!! BOEHOEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE My eyes were red & wet after the match of Paraguay - Japan! I already knew it when penalties are coming my cheering team will mostly lose!! It is really bad luck!!
Portugal was really disappointed against Spain!! The match was also really sucks!
June 29 16:00 Paraguay * vs. Japan 0 - 0 *after penalty [5-3] June 29 20:30 Spain vs. Portugal 1 - 0
Quarterfinal: July 2 16:00 Netherlands vs. Brazil ? - ? July 2 20:30 Uruguay vs. Ghana ? - ? July 3 16:00 Argentina vs. Germany ? - ? July 3 20:30 Paraguay vs. Spain ? - ?
4 countries of South-America, 2 of Europe, 1 of Africa! This is the WC not the America Cup! SIGHHHHHH....DISA
South Korea & Japan did a great job RESPECT!! GONNA MISS HONDA & PARK CHU YOUNG
I though it will became a nice sunny day, but this morning ..... Polly & I went to the beach!! LOL really sucks! We just give it a try but after a half hour it was raining! So we gave it up and went to Amsterdam to chill Actually there were many peoples in Zandvoort so we not the only stupid one! Only you don't see that on the pics LOL
We both were very tired so we just went to shops where we want to buy things Polly to Mac & I to buy a Barbapapa thing
AND YEAHH I finally got it! I saw someone is wearing it in Take Me Out as a necklace and I though it was very cute so it is a MUST HAVE! Happy with my Barbapapa heart ^^
We eat some snack @ a fish tent ^^ Salmon, Squid, Mussels, Cod Fish YUMYUM
Stupid weather when Polly went home & I to work the sun was shining again! SIGH* Stupid weather in Holland!!
BUT NOW READYYYYY FOR JAPAN!!! Thanks mum again ^^ So I can watch a whole match again!!
Holland was playing real soccer! In the previous there were sucks, but now it the real work coming!
I was hoping for Chile, but they really got no change against Brazil! Next time better!
Tomorrow My Japan! Honda ^^
June 28 16:00 Holland vs. Slovakia 2 - 1 June 28 20:30 Brazil vs. Chile 3 - 0
Quarterfinal: July 2 16:00 Netherlands vs. Brazil ? - ? July 2 20:30 Uruguay vs. Ghana ? - ? July 3 16:00 Argentina vs. Germany ? - ? July 3 20:30 Paraguay/Japan vs. Spain/Portugal ? - ?
Netherlands - Brazil will be a top match! And very difficult for both!!
HOT HOT Day Off! Chilling day with my girl Polly! Shopping, Watching Soccer & Dinner with Rachel
There was sale @ Swarovski Another 4 leaves clover ^^ Very lovely! LOVE IT ^^
BTW this one wasn't in sale ^^ It was already cheap ^^
We went to Lime bar to watch soccer The first whole match and the second match only second half! Its actually the first time I watch a match in the city WEIRD lol
We had dinner @ Sumo with Polly cousin Rachel. It was the first time I eat in Sumo in Amsterdam The service was OK! The first round we wait like 20-30 minutes only for 10 items! That was really sucks! And they forgot many what we ordered SIGH*
I'm really loving this Cheese sushi! I could eat many many more hahaha ^^
OMG How could this happen!! After South Korea, England is the second favo who's heading home!! I hate the referees! It was a goal!
I surely know if the stand was 2-2 England will play different than before! Now I'm sad sad sad! Last hope is Japan ^^
The other match I didn't watch The referees playing a role again! An offside goal count as a goal! WHAT IS HAPPENING!!!!!
June 27 16:00 Germany vs. England 4 - 1 June 27 20:30 Argentina vs. Mexico 3 - 1
Quarterfinal: July 2 16:00 Netherlands/Slovakia vs. Brazil/Chile ? - ? July 2 20:30 Uruguay vs. Ghana ? - ? July 3 16:00 Argentina vs. Germany ? - ? July 3 20:30 Paraguay/Japan vs. Spain/Portugal ? - ?
My though: The first Singapore serie from this year! Its really hard to find any Singapore serie lately! I hope I can find more!
I love the serie! Its a lesson about gambling Not to become a gambler but to stop with gambler is the most important The first time is the luck but after losing its really bad luck that u can't blame anyone! So better not gambling or if you do do it just a little bit! It brings a lot of trouble!!
The storyline was a simple! And to bad from the rushing end! It was possible to add another episode! But all end all good
I love Zzen's performance! He's doing a great job for his first main role! I like the chemistry with Tiffany Leong. It was very funny when he's wooing her. To bad its only in the beginning! Later in the serie it was more about gambling and losing them out of sigh.
Tiffany performance wasn't that great either In my sigh she lost her main role to Xiang Yun! Xiang Yun was really great as gamble auntie!! Only I don't like her hair! LOL
It was also weird to see Tiffany's hair. So short I saw her in Fallen Angels & La Femme with long hair. But short hair suit her more for her performance in here Its more girl-lady instead of lady-lady And . . she is thinner than before? BTW I don't understand her job in here. She hate gambling, but why she's helping people with gambling?? WEIRD
Alan & Priscilla didn't catch an eye of me. I think their performance was really NOT Maybe because I'm not familiar with them I only saw them in supporting roles and I think the supporting roles are much better together than their performance in here!
Summary: [SPOILERS] Lee Caishun is a professional gambler who has mastered various gambling skills and gambles as a career. He believes in a philosophy that to live in the gambling world, the best way is to be a bachelor. Thus, he is still one even as he approaches 30. Caishun comes from a gambling family. His father, Lee Kaishan, loves to gamble. From young, Caishun was brought along by his father as the latter operated gambling dens and under his father’s influence, he became interested in gambling. Caishun has a younger brother named Cailai. Cailai’s personality is the complete opposite of Caishun’s. From young, Cailai has been very clever. He studied hard, graduated from university, and is the pride of the family. Currently, he works in a bank as investment manager with a high salary. Kaishan is in jail as he was repeatedly caught operating gamble dens. Their mother, Qiao-E, went through hardship due to their gambler father, thus she disapproves of Caishun’s decision to follow in his father’s footsteps. But regardless of his mother’s disapproval, Caishun continues in his ways. He helps 24k organize fake funerals which are actually disguised illegal gambling areas and works as “bookie” to earn commission. Caishun is humorous and filial. While helping his mother to buy lottery legally one day, he bumps into a woman and falls in love with her immediately. She is a beautiful gaming company employee, Xu Yuxuan. However, Yuxuan detests gamblers and does not have a good impression of Caishun, who is seen buying lottery. Naturally, she is not moved by Caishun’s courtship. However, fate allows them to meet again. Caishun deliberately hides his gambler identity and lies about his occupation to Yuxuan. Under Caishun’s persistent courting, Yuxuan finally becomes his girlfriend. Yuxuan’s mother, Bi Zhu, is a compulsive gambler and also one of Caishun’s regular customers. She owes Caishun money. As Caishun is an item with Yuxuan, he cannot bring himself to ask her for payment. To make things worse, he’s forced to help Bizhu escape her creditors. Ironically, Bizhu’s eldest son, Guoxing, is a policeman who works in the anti-gambling squad and has previously caught his own mother.
Due to gambling, Bizhu has quarreled with her family numerous times, is not on good terms with Yuxuan and was chased out of the house by the latter once. Her husband died due to over-working as he had to take on multiple jobs to help clear her debts. Bizhu did not mend her ways and gambled away all her husband’s bequest. She even got Yuxuan’s then-boyfriend addicted to gambling, and unable to pay his debts, the latter had subsequently disappeared without a trace. Due to all these events, Yuxuan hates gambling and detests her mother. Guoxing is worried that Bizhu may cause trouble with her illegal gambling ways, and in turn, jeopardize his career. Thus, he gets her to move in with him so that he can keep watch on her. Bizhu promises that she will quit gambling and is prepared to set up a stall at a coffeeshop. Guoxing invests in Bizhu’s stall and even arranges for his wife, Zhenni, to help ensure that his mother abstains from gambling. But little does Guoxing realise that this move would result in Zhenni being led astray, as she eventually gets addicted to gambling as well. As it happens, Bizhu’s food stall is located where Caishun’s collects illegal bets from the punters. The boss of the coffeeshop, Youde, detests gambling and has a bad impression of Caishun who continues to collect illegal bets there. They argue often. Youde is interested in the still-beautiful Bizhu and keeps showering her with care by helping her. Bizhu is happy to be at the receiving end. Yuxuan often sees Caishun with Bizhu and starts to suspect Caishun. The quick-thinking Caishun intelligently finds a ridiculous reason to hide the truth and even lies to Yuxuan that he has gotten close to Bizhu to encourage her to quit gambling. Guoxing sees Caishun escaping while he is on duty one day. This exposes Caishun’s gambler-identity to Yuxuan. Disappointed, Yuxuan breaks up with Caishun. To win Yuxuan back, Caishun decides to quit gambling. Alas at this moment, something shocking befalls his family. The always-sensible and strict Cailai unexpectedly turns to gambling and owes huge amounts in debts. In order to help his brother clear his debts, Chaishun has to return to what he does best, gambling.
Kaishan gets released from jail and decides to quit gambling for good. Seeing that Caishun is still very heavily involved in the vice, he persuades the latter to quit and is forced to tell him the truth about his parentage. As it turns out, Caishun is not Kaishan and Qiao-E’s son. His biological parents were compulsive gamblers who had lost him to Kaishan. Most unexpectedly, Caishun realizes that his father is none other than his nemesis, Youde. Caishun is filled with loathing for gambling ever since he discovers his parentage. Determined to quit gambling once and for all, he seeks professional help to do so. Surprisingly, his counselor is his biological mother. Rid of the vice Caishun begins to help others plagued by problem gambling. He becomes actively involved in counseling and promotional activities for anti-gambling. He finally manages to get Yuxuan’s forgiveness as she accepts him once again, and the couple successfully gets her mother to quit the vice as well. [credits to mediacorp]
Cast: Zzen Zhang - Lee Cai Shun Tiffany Leong - Xu Yu Xuan Xiang Yun - Su Bi Zhu Alan Tern - Xu Guo Xing Priscelia Chan - Lin Zhen Ni Nat Ho - Lee Cai Lai Jin Yin Ji - Chen Qiao Er Yan Bing Liang - Chen You De Lian Tian - Lee Kai Shan Tam Li Fang - Helen Ma Xu En Qiao - Xu Jia Wen Kanny Theng - Nicole Keely Wee - Christine
Like: Cai Shun Bi Zhu
Cai Shun & Yu Xuan [Lovers]
Dislike: Cai Lai Nicole
Soundtrack: Theme: 游戏人生 by Daren Tan Sub: 找回幸福 by Daren Tan
Memorable Scene: - The text message that Cai Shun send to Yu Xuan. So sweet ^^ - The gamble commercial. I thought Cai Shun in there was very funny! - The times that Cai Shun & Yu Xuan spent together. Supporting & Love! The scenes in the gamehall I very like LOL ETC
THIS IS NOT MY DAY!!! I'm happy I can watch the whole match of Uruguay - Korea Republic! Thanks my mother for it!
I HATE SUAREZ!!!! Korea really waste many but after all I'm really proud of them! They try everything and atleast they reached the Last 16! You can't say that from France & Italy ^^ WC 2014 better ^^ My hope is on England & Japan now!! ^^
USA did well against Ghana. It was a difficult match for both. After extra time Ghana is the winner! Ghana doing great as the last country of South-Africa!
Uruguay vs. Korea Republic 2 - 1 United States vs. Ghana 1 - 2
Quarterfinal: July 2 16:00 Netherlands/Slovakia vs. Brazil/Chile ? - ? July 2 20:30 Uruguay vs. Ghana ? - ? July 3 16:00 Argentina/Mexico vs. Germany/England ? - ? July 3 20:30 Paraguay/Japan vs. Spain/Portugal ? - ?
I really hope Ghana can beat Uruguay! I HATE Suarez & Forlan!! They always ruined my favo teams dreams!
My lunch @ Ikea :) I was hoping for the salmon, but it wasn't available anymore. So I picked this one! A vegetarian dish with potatoes and vegetables. I'm not really like the vegetables! Carrots IEWW
The flowers I bought for my room!! Its fake but very colourful!
The big Big BIG shark I really want to buy! It was in sale but I already have so many dolls SIGH*
Today Group G & H The last matches of the first round!
Group G:
June 15 16:00 Ivory Coast vs. Portugal 0 - 0 June 15 20:30 Brazil vs. Korea DPR 2 - 1 June 20 20:30 Brazil vs. Ivory Coast 3 - 1 June 21 13:30 Portugal vs. Korea DPR 7 - 0 June 25 16:00 Portugal vs. Brazil 0 - 0 June 25 16:00 Korea DPR vs. Ivory Coast 0 - 3
1. Brazil 2. Portugal 3. Ivory Coast 4. Korea DPR
I think boring match between Brazil - Portugal! Korea DPR ended on the last place, but Italy & France did that too LOL!
Group H:
June 16 13:30 Honduras vs. Chile 0 - 1 June 16 16:00 Spain vs. Switzerland 0 - 1 June 21 16:00 Chile vs. Switzerland 1 - 0 June 21 20:30 Spain vs. Honduras 2 - 0 June 25 20:30 Chile vs. Spain 1 - 2 June 25 20:30 Switzerland vs. Honduras 0 - 0
1. Spain 2. Chile 3. Switzerland 4. Honduras
Switzerland got change, but they ruined by them on! Spain is still favorite!
Last 16: June 26 16:00 Uruguay vs. Korea Republic ? - ? June 26 20:30 United States vs. Ghana ? - ? June 27 16:00 Germany vs. England ? - ? June 27 20:30 Argentina vs. Mexico ? - ? June 28 16:00 Holland vs. Slovakia ? - ? June 28 20:30 Brazil vs. Chile ? - ? June 29 16:00 Paraguay vs. Japan ? - ? June 29 20:30 Spain vs. Portugal ? - ?
Top match Spain - Portugal! But I only got my hope on tomorrow match Uruguay - Korea Republic! Fighting ~~~~
My mini cupcakes! Its actually failed! The cake was good but the decoration really sucks! It was really difficult to make the glaze! I hope next time it will be better! :)
June 14 13:30 Holland vs. Denmark 2 - 0 June 14 16:00 Japan vs. Cameroon 1 - 0 June 19 13:30 Holland vs. Japan 1 - 0 June 19 20:30 Cameroon vs. Denmark 1 - 2 June 24 20:30 Denmark vs. Japan 1 - 3 June 24 20:30 Cameroon vs. Holland 1 - 2
1. Holland 2. Japan 3. Denmark 4. Cameroon
I'm so happy!!! My 3th cheering country Japan reach the last 16!! YES YES YES
Group F:
June 14 20:30 Italy vs. Paraguay 1 - 1 June 15 13:30 New Zealand vs. Slovakia 1 - 1 June 20 13:30 Slovakia vs. Paraguay 0 - 2 June 20 16:00 Italy vs. New Zealand 1 - 1 June 24 16:00 Slovakia vs. Italy 3 - 2 June 24 16:00 Paraguay vs. New Zealand 0 - 0
1. Paraguay 2. Slovakia 3. New Zealand 4. Italy
HAHAHA after France now its the turn of Italy! So shameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Undefeated New Zealand didn't make it. Just a pity! Was hoping it!
Last 16: June 26 16:00 Uruguay vs. Korea Republic ? - ? June 26 20:30 United States vs. Ghana ? - ? June 27 16:00 Germany vs. England ? - ? June 27 20:30 Argentina vs. Mexico ? - ? June 28 16:00 Holland vs. Slovakia ? - ? June 28 20:30 1G vs. 2H ? - ? June 29 16:00 Paraguay vs. Japan ? - ? June 29 20:30 1H vs. 2G ? - ?
Its hard against Paraguay, but Its possible! Ganbatteeee ^^
Finally!! I waited so long for this serie! And Finally I start watching it! Singapore serie Priceless Wonder aka 游戏人生
This serie is about gambling! I think more about underground gambling & bookies but Í'm not sure. I have to finish the serie first ^^
♥ Zzen is taking his first main role! I'm so happy after so many supporting and small roles finally its his time! He's also the reason that I gonna watch this serie! I'm really looking forward to his performance! ♥
Tiffany Leong is taking the female lead! Its also her first leading role! After La Femme this is her second local drama. Hope her performance is so good like in Fallen Angel!
Real life couple Alen Tern & Priscilla Chan playing an on-screen couple! They got a quite big role. I always see them in small roles. So I'm looking forward to them!
Xiang Yun got a similar role in Baby Bonus, but I haven't watch that serie yet so I don't know. But many said her performance is brilliant! I have no offence on her acting, because she's a great actress!
This is one of the last serie of Nat Ho for Mediacorp! Looking forward to his performance! Gonna miss him like I miss Dawn too :)
June 12 20:30 England vs. United States 1 - 1 June 13 13:30 Algeria vs. Slovenia 0 - 1 June 18 16:00 Slovenia vs. United States 2 - 2 June 18 20:30 England vs. Algeria 0 - 0 June 23 16:00 Slovenia vs. England 0 - 1 June 23 16:00 United States vs. Algeria 1 - 0
1. United States 2. England 3. Slovenia 4. Algeria
I'm so happy England reach the last 16!! I was so worried about them but luck luck luck ^^ USA last minute goal was really super!!! :)
Group D:
June 13 16:00 Serbia vs. Ghana 0 - 1 June 13 20:30 Germany vs. Australia 4 - 0 June 18 13:30 Germany vs. Serbia 0 - 1 June 19 16:00 Ghana vs. Australia 1 - 1 June 23 20:30 Ghana vs. Germany 0 - 1 June 23 20:30 Australia vs. Serbia 2 - 1
1. Germany 2. Ghana 3. Australia 4. Serbia
This group was very exciting!! No favorite here but Ghana is the first or maybe the only African country of this cup who reach the last 16
Last 16: June 26 16:00 Uruguay vs. Korea Republic ? - ? June 26 20:30 United States vs. Ghana ? - ? June 27 16:00 Germany vs. England ? - ? June 27 20:30 Argentina vs. Mexico ? - ? June 28 16:00 1E vs. 2F ? - ? June 28 20:30 1G vs. 2H ? - ? June 29 16:00 1F vs. 2E ? - ? June 29 20:30 1H vs. 2G ? - ?
It will be a hard match for England against Germany!
Finally the week of the last group matches! Who are the first & second position to take place of the last 16! Today it was the turn of Group A & B
Group A:
June 11 16:00 South Africa vs. Mexico 1 - 1 June 11 20:30 Uruguay vs. France 0 - 0 June 16 20:30 South Africa vs. Uruguay 0 - 3 June 17 20:30 France vs. Mexico 0 - 2 June 22 16:00 Mexico vs. Uruguay 0 - 1 June 22 16:00 France vs. South Africa 1 - 2
1. Uruguay 2. Mexico 3. South Africa 4. France
Any surprise? France have so disappointed result! They didn't even won any matches! Too bad homeland South Africa didn't make it!
Group B:
June 12 13:30 Korea Republic vs. Greece 2 - 0 June 12 16:00 Argentina vs. Nigeria 1 - 0 June 17 13:30 Argentina vs. Korea Republic 4 - 1 June 17 16:00 Greece vs. Nigeria 2 - 1 June 22 20:30 Nigeria vs. Korea Republic 2 - 2 June 22 20:30 Greece vs. Argentina 0 - 2
1. Argentina 2. Korea Republic 3. Greece 4. Nigeria
I was really nervous! I'm so happy Korea Republic made it! I was yelling & crying of happiness ^^ Argentina is the first country who won all the 3 matches!
Last 16: June 26 16:00 Uruguay vs. Korea Republic ? - ? June 26 20:30 1C vs. 2D ? - ? June 27 16:00 1D vs. 2C ? - ? June 27 20:30 Argentina vs. Mexico ? - ? June 28 16:00 1E vs. 2F ? - ? June 28 20:30 1G vs. 2H ? - ? June 29 16:00 1F vs. 2E ? - ? June 29 20:30 1H vs. 2G ? - ?
It will be a hard match for South Korea No Offence really no change against Uruguay!! :(
It was a short chilling day with Wing Yu. Only a short 2 hour, but was nice to see her again!
There's also SALE in the city! I bought some shirts and a dress Nice for these sunny weather :) Not that I really love sunny weather, but better than rain!