OK In 3 hours I will take the train to Frankfurt ^^
But for now I want to say Bye for now ^^
I don't know if I have Internet in China but i can't update my blog for a while I think ^^
But I will keep you all update ^^ when i got the time!
I'm gonna miss you all
My Family, My Friends and My Blog readers [if i have LOL]
See you over 26 days ^^
July 14, 2009
#802 Black & White - Final
Chinese: 痞子英雄
English: Black & White
Genre: Police/Drama/Comedy/Romance/Justice
Episodes: 24
Country: Taiwan
Year: 2009
My Rating could be higher if the story wasn't so complicated!
Because every case wasn't solved till the end!
Well its for me an open ending!
So actually still didn't solve!
There could be a part 2
And it's very welcome!
Also love it because u don't know who's Black and who's White!
So still a guess!
And that make the story very curious!
Not only the story is complicated so do the relationship!
I was really hoping that Ying Xiong could be together with Yi Xin
But watching through the story my opinion change at all!
I like Yi Xin more with Pi Zi and even more with Cheng Nuo!
But she ended with nobody!
Same story with Chen Lin! I like her more with Xiao Ma but they are all alone!
But after watching this serie I have a new actor on my list!
Well not one actually, but 4!
I never like F4 so do Zai Zai
But after this serie I got another look at him!
He also can be funny instead of a drama boy!
Mark is really stealing the show next to Zai Zai!
For a newcomer he's really good! And 'suai'
But the most welcome on my list is Hsiu Chieh Kai!
He got many series on his list already
But it's my first time I see him onscreen!
He's sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo my FAVOOOOOOO ^^
The fighting scenes are really grabbing my heart ~~~~~~ SUAI ^^
Now I gonna give the series a try where he is in it!
Another is Jason Tsou!
Who's singing the sub song ft Picks!
He's beside Mark another newcomer on screen!
I didn't really like his character but through the serie I gonna like him!
Actually there's another boy!
Hank Wu ^^
He look so nerdy on screen but that make him so cute ^^
It was really soooo bad that Janine got so less screen time!
Well not so much like the others!
She's still a female leader!
I really hoping for more!
With Pi Zi and with Cheng Nuo

PS: I don't know if its confirmed!
But they want to make Black And White: The Movie!
And And maybe there's a part 2! YEAH!!
Pi Zi and Ying Xiong are two cops who are as different as day and night. One does nothing except for drinking coffee and living a luxurious lifestyle while waiting for information from dubious sources to crack his cases. Another believes law and justice are the pillars of society and is constantly on the street catching criminals… a little over zealously for his superior’s liking. When a case brought these two top crime solvers together, sparks flied and a little light peeked into this dark city where the nation's President is on friendly terms with the local triad and twins kill people while drinking milkshake
Vic Zhou - Chen Zai Tian / Pi Zi
Mark Chao - Wu Ying Xiong
Ivy Chen - Chen Lin
Janine Chang - Lan Xi Ying
Hsiu Chieh Kai - Ma Xiao Ming / Huang Shi Kai / Q
Paul Chun - Chen Lao Tou
Zhao Shu Hai - South District Director
Tang Zhi Wei - Chen Jun Lin
Qian De Men - Li Jian Guo / Lao Li
Hank Wu - Hao Ke / Hawk
Hong Chen Ying - Ai Lu / Xiao Lu
Chen You Fang - Ling Wen Qi
Zhang Fu Jian - Fan Tian Cheng
Sonia Sui - Lei Mu Sha
Huang Jian Wei - Wu Yang
Tang Zhen - Tang Zhen
Na Wei Xun - Du Wen Yan
Tang Guo Zhong - Che Jin
Kurt Zhou - A Tang
Kageyama Yukihiko - A De
Zhang Chao Min - An Zai
Kingone Wang - Gao Yi
Xu Ai Xin - Cheng Yuan
Jason Zou - Cheng Nuo
Jimmy Hung - BOSS
Igor - CJ
Sam Huang - P
Benji - G
Eric - F
Yang Xiu Wen - K
Leandro - L
Oscar - O
Bobby - N
A Liang - M
Yu Hong Yuan - He Xiao Mei
Patina Lin - Ling Ke Le
Renzo Liu - Jian Da De
Luo Mei Ling - Bar Employee
Pi Zi
Ying Xiong
Xi Ying
Chen Lin
Xiao Ma
Pi Zi & Xi Ying [??]
Ying Xiong & Pi Zi [Partners/'Brothers']
Pi Zi & Xiao Mei [??]
Chen Lin & Xiao Ma [Friends/One Side Love]
Xi Ying & Chen Nuo

Who's black?
Theme: Rogue Justice - Mark Chao & COLOR
Sub: Perfect Stranger - Jason Tsou & Picks
Insert: Ruffian and Hero - Jason Tsou
Insert: Exiling Love - 解偉苓
Insert: About Us - Picks
Insert: Hey Baby - Picks
Insert: Gift - 羅美玲
Iron Man - COLOR
Rating: 9.2
Memorable Scene:
- The 'date' from Pi Zi & Xiao Mei!
- Pi Zi rowing @ Xiao Mei's dead
- When Xiao Ma get hurt when she save Chen Lin and actually told her that he like her!
- Xiao Ma's fighting scene's ~~ Suai! The one when she save Chen Lin & Ying Xiong from the Cheng's
- When Chen Lin told Pi Zi doesn't matter what that she still love him
- When Mu Sa died in Ying Xiong's arm!
- When Chen Nuo protect Xi Yin to get out of the metro station
- When Pi Zi & Xi Yin told to eachother to becarefull and then they gave eachother a hug
- When Chen Lin was drunken and told all her 'sadness' to Ying Xiong
- When Ying Xiong told Chen Lin that He loves her! But after He told her that he's her brother
- When Da Yan told Pi Zi about his real identity!
- When Lao Tou told Pi Zi the truth! That he made a mistake!
And many many more!
Watch it by yourself!
It's really worth it!
[credits: flickr.com, wiki.d-addicts.com, blog.sina.com]
July 13, 2009
#801 Day off - 10 Hours left!
Yesterday my last work day and today my last 'day off'
Before on holiday I had to buy some last stuffs!
Sun Cream and a bag!
And both I found!
Suncream was an easy job but the bag was more difficult!
But at the last moment I found one!
A big White bag from Sisley!
And it was in the sale so YEAH
Beside that i also bough pair of shoes!
They were adorable and only 10 euro!
So i must buy it HAHAHAH ^^
And gloss and mascara ^^

Also have to miss my Crime day for 4 weeks!
But not so bad because Bones & CSI:NY I've already watched before
Its only CSI ^^
10 Hours left!
And I'm still not done
I still have to pack my case and most important! I have to finish my serie Black & White!
The last 3 episodes! And i don't want to watch it after my holiday ^^
So today i won't sleep anymore hahaha ^^
Before on holiday I had to buy some last stuffs!
Sun Cream and a bag!
And both I found!
Suncream was an easy job but the bag was more difficult!
But at the last moment I found one!
A big White bag from Sisley!
And it was in the sale so YEAH
Beside that i also bough pair of shoes!
They were adorable and only 10 euro!
So i must buy it HAHAHAH ^^
And gloss and mascara ^^
Also have to miss my Crime day for 4 weeks!
But not so bad because Bones & CSI:NY I've already watched before
Its only CSI ^^
10 Hours left!
And I'm still not done
I still have to pack my case and most important! I have to finish my serie Black & White!
The last 3 episodes! And i don't want to watch it after my holiday ^^
So today i won't sleep anymore hahaha ^^
July 9, 2009
#800 My Songs
Currently watching Black & White!
I'm So Loving It!
The Cast and the so complicated story!
Well done ^^
But beside the story also very love the songs!
The Theme, The Sub and the insert songs ^^
Here the Theme:
By Color & Male Leader Mark Chao
雙手緊握拳頭 張開又留下什麼
敲響命運的鐘 誰能帶走傷痛
傷痕就這麼多 所以又代表什麼
等待適合的風 帶我飛越盡頭
曾經脆弱 獨自承受 傷痛
曾經愛過以後 心痛 放手 人總要學會軟弱
(墮落 失控 充滿掙扎的生活 我的 輪廓 消失只留下沉默)
曾經活著痛著 你也能輕鬆看透
(宿命 嘲笑 我注定是個小丑 我看不透)
我用我的無賴遮掩 謊言 從前 我太好騙
荒唐劇情 隨時都會 上演
你用你的正義對抗 可憐 善變 虛偽的世界
最後 被我 撕裂
無賴戰勝了一切 胡說好幾遍(我用無賴對抗所有欺騙)
正義敗給了邪惡 世界多危險(我用正義戰勝邪惡意念)
你用你的正義對抗 這可憐 虛偽 善變 破碎的夜
狼狽 崩潰 頹廢 天黑
最後 被我 撕裂
And here the Sub:
Perfect Stranger by Jason Tsou [He has a small role in here] & Picks
Dive from the blue sky
And to see who I really am
Facing my desire
with the answer
to start again, be brave again
What will stop in my way?
Who will challenge the fate
The test of pain and rack
Are we living in circus?
Are we beat up by curse ?
Cus I’m sure will take the race
( give my beat alive )
Holding my will
Cuz I‘ve never met someone like you
( take my breath away )
Cus' I'm blind in your smile
Using tears bur yin’ the lie
Oh~ Pretty Stranger
Rock my soul and world with a gentle kiss
Fly~ makin’ me fly
To eternal
Oh once again ,the love we make
Until the sun has arise
Our life will bond together
Oh mine, perfect stranger.
Would you dream about me?
Could you spend time with me?
I crave your lip life time
breathing in frozen fever
standing in burning winter
all the misery need you by my side
( give my beat alive )
Now seize the time
defeat the weak and break my runaway
( take my breath away )
Cus I'm conquered by your eyes
and I am losing all my mind
I'm So Loving It!
The Cast and the so complicated story!
Well done ^^
But beside the story also very love the songs!
The Theme, The Sub and the insert songs ^^
Here the Theme:
By Color & Male Leader Mark Chao
雙手緊握拳頭 張開又留下什麼
敲響命運的鐘 誰能帶走傷痛
傷痕就這麼多 所以又代表什麼
等待適合的風 帶我飛越盡頭
曾經脆弱 獨自承受 傷痛
曾經愛過以後 心痛 放手 人總要學會軟弱
(墮落 失控 充滿掙扎的生活 我的 輪廓 消失只留下沉默)
曾經活著痛著 你也能輕鬆看透
(宿命 嘲笑 我注定是個小丑 我看不透)
我用我的無賴遮掩 謊言 從前 我太好騙
荒唐劇情 隨時都會 上演
你用你的正義對抗 可憐 善變 虛偽的世界
最後 被我 撕裂
無賴戰勝了一切 胡說好幾遍(我用無賴對抗所有欺騙)
正義敗給了邪惡 世界多危險(我用正義戰勝邪惡意念)
你用你的正義對抗 這可憐 虛偽 善變 破碎的夜
狼狽 崩潰 頹廢 天黑
最後 被我 撕裂
And here the Sub:
Perfect Stranger by Jason Tsou [He has a small role in here] & Picks
Dive from the blue sky
And to see who I really am
Facing my desire
with the answer
to start again, be brave again
What will stop in my way?
Who will challenge the fate
The test of pain and rack
Are we living in circus?
Are we beat up by curse ?
Cus I’m sure will take the race
( give my beat alive )
Holding my will
Cuz I‘ve never met someone like you
( take my breath away )
Cus' I'm blind in your smile
Using tears bur yin’ the lie
Oh~ Pretty Stranger
Rock my soul and world with a gentle kiss
Fly~ makin’ me fly
To eternal
Oh once again ,the love we make
Until the sun has arise
Our life will bond together
Oh mine, perfect stranger.
Would you dream about me?
Could you spend time with me?
I crave your lip life time
breathing in frozen fever
standing in burning winter
all the misery need you by my side
( give my beat alive )
Now seize the time
defeat the weak and break my runaway
( take my breath away )
Cus I'm conquered by your eyes
and I am losing all my mind
Black and White,
Jason Tsou,
Mark Chao,
Perfect Stranger,
July 6, 2009
#799 My Hair
I Cut my hair!
Its short and red with highlights LOL

It was my day off ^^
So i went to the hairdresser and to Amsterdam to buy some stuff for my holiday!
Also I bought a game for my Wii - Monopoly LOL
I very enjoyed it when I was young
But its different offcourse
Because its digital now
Next week is my last week of Crime day!
But This week I still can enjoyed it!
Although what happen with Bones?
Because today they aired the last episode of Season 4!
Whats next week >.<
Its short and red with highlights LOL
It was my day off ^^
So i went to the hairdresser and to Amsterdam to buy some stuff for my holiday!
Also I bought a game for my Wii - Monopoly LOL
I very enjoyed it when I was young
But its different offcourse
Because its digital now
Next week is my last week of Crime day!
But This week I still can enjoyed it!
Although what happen with Bones?
Because today they aired the last episode of Season 4!
Whats next week >.<
July 5, 2009
July 2, 2009
#797 Black & White
After a serie from TVB
Going back to Taiwan!
Its already 3/4 month ago that I watched a serie of Taiwan
And that was The Concerto ^^
This time this serie is just finished airing in Taiwan
So its NEW!!
Black & White aka 痞子英雄
Its not another drama or something
Its a serie with love, comedy and action!
Its more a police story with cases!
Yes I Like Cases ^^
But I also like the cast!
Vic Chou and newcomer Mark Chao taking the male lead!
Mark is chosen from a competition to search for new actors and actresses!
And its a good chose!
Because he's 'suai' LOL
Female lead are Ivy Chen & Janine Chang
Ivy is well known from the serie I Want To Become A Hard Persimmon and from the movie Spider Lilies!
Janine is my favo cast in here!
Aftet I watched her in the serie Honey & Clover
The other cast are: Pail Chun, Hsiu Chieh Kai, Kingone Wang, Hank Wu, Hong Chen Ying, Patina Lin and many others!
Many others that I don't know actually LOL
This serie contains 24 episodes ^^
Correlation Chart:
Going back to Taiwan!
Its already 3/4 month ago that I watched a serie of Taiwan
And that was The Concerto ^^
This time this serie is just finished airing in Taiwan
So its NEW!!
Black & White aka 痞子英雄
Its not another drama or something
Its a serie with love, comedy and action!
Its more a police story with cases!
Yes I Like Cases ^^
But I also like the cast!
Vic Chou and newcomer Mark Chao taking the male lead!
Mark is chosen from a competition to search for new actors and actresses!
And its a good chose!
Because he's 'suai' LOL
Female lead are Ivy Chen & Janine Chang
Ivy is well known from the serie I Want To Become A Hard Persimmon and from the movie Spider Lilies!
Janine is my favo cast in here!
Aftet I watched her in the serie Honey & Clover
The other cast are: Pail Chun, Hsiu Chieh Kai, Kingone Wang, Hank Wu, Hong Chen Ying, Patina Lin and many others!
Many others that I don't know actually LOL
This serie contains 24 episodes ^^
Correlation Chart:

July 1, 2009
#796 Just Love II - Final

Chinese: 老婆大人II
English: Just Love II
Genre: Drama/Court
Episodes: 25
Country: Hong Kong [TVB]
Year: 2009
I like part 1 more!
The story changed to much that I don't like!
Maybe because some cast are removed and some are added!
Not I don't like Joyce Tang and Ken Wong
But like the original with Lo Hoi Pang, Dave Wang, Fiona Yuen, Patrick Tang & Selena Li!
Patrick & Selena only have a guest performance of 3 episodes!
Too bad ~~
My first serie of Joyce after her break up!
I really missed her onscreen ^^
Career-minded magistrate Ko Hei Man gains full support from her loyal husband Kot Kwok Kong so that she is able to concentrate fully on her works. At court, Hei Man Strongly believes that everyone is equal before the law and she tackles every challenge confidently. At home, she never bothers about the household duties which are all taken by husband and any complaints filed by mother-in-law. MAN just takes things for granted but fate continuously to convince her that law cannot be applied to every situation.
Hei Man feels sympathized with Cally who suffers from slight mental disorders. Trying to help, Hei Man allows her to come into her family but this creates an opportunity for Cally to replace Hei Man's role as a wife and a mother completely. Kwong is seriously injured during a car accident. His relative Kot Tak Wan lectures Kwong how to fight against MAN and this leads to serious communication breakdown between the couple. Swindler Ho Shi Fu appears in Hei Man's life as a hopeless villain from the lower class but he is in fact the father of a senior official.

Jessica Hsuan - Ko Hei Man/Honor
Sunny Chan - Kot Kwok Kwong/Scott
Johnson Lee - Kot Tak Wan/Vincent
Joyce Tang - Ho Sau Sau/Cally
Natalie Tong - Kot Bo Yee/Bowie
Benz Hui - Ho Si Fu
Lui Shang - Chung Ding Ying
Casper Chan - Kot Bo Bui/Bo Bo
Mandy Wong - Ng Hoi Tung/Iris
Ken Wong - Wong Chi Kin/CK
Ram Tseung - Lok Choi San/Mountain
Wai Ka Hung - Law Ho Kei/ OK
Felix Lok - Ko Tin/Charles
Chan Ka Yee - Yip Wai Kuen/Diana
Yip Tin Lok - Kot Yin Cho/Ah B
Gill Mohindepaul Singh - Ap Ba Deen
Jacky Wong - Ho Ming
Deno Cheung - Dun Kit
Carlo Ng - Ho Sei Hei
Wong Yin Han - Ling
Matt Yeung - Lee King Ho
Oscar Leung - Lau Siu Tong
Joel Chan - Brian
Special Appearance:
Patrick Tang - So Ah Kei/AK
Selena Li - Leung Yun Yun/Yo Yo
Hei Man
Hei Man & Kwong [Lovers]
Hei Man, Kwong & Ah B [Family]
Cally & Vincent [Lovers]
Bowie & CK [Lovers]
[not really hate, but they are very annoying]

Memorable Scene:
- The wedding from Yoyo & AK in Disneyland
- The support from Vincent to Cally when she was 'sick'
- The search of Kwong's love to Hei Man's
- The court cases!
- The love from Bowie & CK
[credits: TVB.com, en.wikipedia.com, d-addicts.com]
#795 Happy Birthday To Yin Yin ^^
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