In my heart there's always a place for Yuan Hao Yuan Hao & Goa Ling are the best
Eddie's Character is already done with this serie He's really my HERO I miss him with all my heart!
Now i have to keep watching without Eddie :( Now only Yin Yin left with pictures
The MV are the best scenes from Eddie & Esther together! And the song is so touching! When i hear it i just want to drop a tear Because it remind me of Yuan Hao
Wing Yu is very nice!! She was in Beverwijk for her project! So she 'visited' me ^^ And very nice!! She brought my mother & I to Amsterdam!
In Amsterdam we separated! Mother went to the hairdresser and Wing Yu & I went to the shopping street! We went to the 'Bijenkorf' to eat something! And also met Cindy here! Just a juice and a salad! With a talk!
After Wing Yu shopped a while with us and went home ^^ Cindy & I keep shopping ^^ I bought a 'gilet' that i saw in a magazine ^^ Now i have to try it if its suit me ^^
After we went to dinner! Cindy invite a friend of her to join us! We chose for Greeks I chose Calamaris from the grill! And got baklava as desert It wasn't bad but it wasn't good either! But if you ask me to eat there again? I will say NO
After went to Genroku to pick up my mother Where she had dinner with my sis
It was a nice day with Cindy & Wing Yu It was really happy to see Wing Yu today Its a long time ago already And I'm happy to have Wing Yu as a good friend! I know her already 7 years ^^ Maybe we gonna do something @ our 10 years anniversary ^^
English Title: National Treasure Year: 2004 Country: USA Running Time: 131 min Director: Jon Turteltaub Genre: Action
I bought this movie on DVD Great Movie!
I saw a little bit of National Treasure 2: Book Of Secrets! So i want to watch this one too! Really a good buy! Now i want to watch NT2! From begin till end!
I like movies with action and mytery! This movie got it! Like the mystery from the clues! And so clever how Gates can solved them! LOL
Must Watch ^^ Maybe there is NT3 :p
Director Jon Turteltaub said that the filmmaking team will take its time on another National Treasure sequel, but Disney has already registered the domains for and Though the second film ended with the question about page 47 of the President's book of secrets, Turteltaub responded in a press interview that the idea was not set in stone as the basis for National Treasure 3. In an online press release Director Jon Turteltaub set a time table setting 2011 as the slated release date. [credits to]
Summary: Since childhood, Benjamin Franklin Gates has known that he is decended from a long line of people whose job is to guard a treasure hidden by the Founding Fathers, who hid clues to its whereabouts in the country's currency and on the back of the Declaration of Independence. Now, he has learned of a plot to steal the Declaration, and has only one option: steal it himself. Even if he pulls off this monumental task, keeping the treasure safe is still going to be incredibly hard, especially since the FBI has also gotten wind of the scheme. [credits to]
Cast: Nicholas Cage - Benjamin Franklin Gates Justin Bartha - Riley Poole Diane Kruger - Abigail Chase Sean Bean - Ian Howe Jon Voight - Patrick Henry Gates Harvey Keitel - Peter Sadusky Christopher Plummer - John Adams Gates Jason Earles - Thomas Gates David Dayan Fisher - Shaw Stewart Finlay-McLennan - Powell Oleg Taktarov - Victor Stephen A. Pope - Phil
Its a long time i bought DVD's But that time come again ^^
Today the 'Prijzencircus' @ V&D started! It was very busy! I saw nice boots! There was one in my size BUT they were are a little bit damaged! So i didn't buy it! I did buy a shirt and a couple of DVD's
I bought the DVD box from Lost season 4! I didn't even watch Season 3 LOL Also buy National Treasure, Enchanted & Herbie Fully Reloaded! MY DVD collection is growing
I never bought so many things @ 'Kruidvat' at once €73 WOW LOL
Watching a new serie! Still hasn't finished The Little Nyonya! SHAMEEEE
The serie that i watch is from Taiwan! The Concerto aka 協奏曲
It got my favo onscreen couple ^^ Was so happy when they act another time in a serie! Although i know its very short :( I'm talking about Eddie & Esther ^^ My E4E Couple Always supporting them!
The story is about Goa Ling! A girl who have a childhood home! To keep the house she have to earn money! Doesn't matter how! Through an accident she's in the debt! But also through that she met Yuen Hoa! Who's like her money machine LOL but slowly they start a relationship . . . but after . . .
Well i can say Eddie only have a guest appearance!! I don't want to watch that episode! I almost reach it!! :'(
Beside Esther & Eddie the other cast are Lee Wei, Pace Wu, David Chen, Ben Bai, Jozie Lu, Dong Ming Xiang ETC
I don't know the relationship Only know Pace & Eddie are brother and sister! LeeWei & Dong Ming Xiang are brothers! Pace & David got a son! Esther & Eddie got a daughter Esther, Pace & Lee Wei in a triangle relationship? HUH Yeah weird :S And if i'm right David & Jozie maybe with Ben too :S
The story contains 23 episodes! I already watch 3!
I only want to watch E4E!! Eddie really got a god damn body! SO HOT!!
Although i'm happy to see Ben in a serie again! Hope a good role ^^ Well till now he is LOL
First serie of Jozie Lu for me! I never know she was the little sister of Xiao Mai Jie from Bang Bang Tang ^^ She's quite funny LOL
Also first serie of Page for me! I know her for a long time ago as singer But actress? Don't know :S Also haven't watch the serie the one with Zax Ren
Chinese: Click入黃金屋 English: Pages Of Treasures Genre: Comedy/Drama Episodes: 20 Country: Hong Kong [TVB] Year: 2009
WOW Watched it faster than the Little Nyonya! SORRY I finished it in 2/3 days! The serie wasn't super! Just good! I like the family ambiance! Because it something that i don't have!
The ending was a little bit rushed! I don't think Alex should be ending with Abbie but Hill! Because Abbie gave up Alex! Because she save her mom! She's back with him! Too easy! And Stupid for Hill! Who decided to leave Alex!
Love the relationship between Sam Ming & Chung! From hate to love! Typicial a drama method LOL I like the kind of heart that Sam Ming have! Against Family & Friends ^^
Don't Sammy & Patrick suit for each other! But they are kind of cute together after all LOL Although it was more fun if Michelle came back ^^
Also i don't like when the couples are together! They don't have many scene as couple together! Except Alex ofcourse! So Talking about Sam Ming & Chung and Sammy & Patrick
I'm really gonna miss Sonija! If she's leaving TVB I'm really like her onscreen Only D.I.E II left! I like her job in here! Or the things she made! It was so beautiful
So diffirent to see Wayne! Like him more in ancient i think! But he's quite funny in here ^^
Eric's acting is like her singing! Good ^^ Although i don't like his charachter in here! Maybe as brother but don't as Boyfriend!
Is it me or Shirley getting worser? Whats her acting different than before! Or is it the kind of charachter she's playing! Well not really like her charachter in here!
Lily Ho performance was quite good Well he was acting herself i mention before! So she have to improve to keep the good work! Because she's not always playing a student!
Jason Chan is quite cute! So handsome ^^ in the beachwear LOL
Vivien's acting improved? Still hear her accent! But i think she's better! Even better than Shirley in here! I like her clothes from the designer Furla! My style? LOL
Summary: Fong Hok Man works in a bookstore and lives by the principles that knowledge is power. He has 3 children, 2 sons - Sum Ming and Sum Ching and a daughter, Sum Mei. Sum Ming is not good in his studies and did not further his education at the tiertiary level. However, Sum Ching is very smart and chose to further his studies in IT at a university in United States. To fund his studies, Sum Ming works hard in Mauritius for better pay.
The two brothers now decides to return to Hong Kong. Coincidentally, they both end up working in the same commercial building, Sum Ming as a security guard while Sum Ching works as a Senior network Security Engineer. Hok man is afraid that the brothers' different job levels will cause a rift in their relationship.
Sum Ming starts to fall for Yuen Wai Chung, who owns a clay model shop. Hok Man tries to help Sum Ming launch a better career by buying a bookstore for him to manage. Sum Ching, who already has a girlfriend, Abbie, starts to fall for his colleague, Hill.
Cast: Paul Chun - Fong Hok Man Wayne Lai - Fong Sum Ming/OK Ming Eric Suen - Fong Sum Ching/Alex Sonija Kwok - Yuen Wai Chung Shirley Yeung Lui Yuen Yee/Abbie Mary Hon - Ngan Yu Yuk Lily Ho - Fong Sum Mei/Sammy Jason Chan - Lui Su Pui/Patrick Sharon Chan - Lai Pui Chi/Pansy Vivien Yeo - Tsui Hei Man/Hillary
Kara Hui - Ah Fan Macy Chan - Michelle Mandy Lam - June Stephen Hyunh - Tsui Ke Ho Law Ho Gai - Tong Man Ho Yvonne Lam - Sung Shu Kei Fred Cheung - Yuen Ka Hei Deno Cheung - Lo Duk Fai Griselda Yeung - Ah Ling
Angel Chiang - Si Ying Ying/Stephy Cilla Kung - Ko Wing Yan/Olive Annie Chung - Fan Fan Vivi Lee - Tong Kei Kei Wasa Tse - Apple
Brian Thomas Burrell - Ken Hoffman Cheng - Wong Chi Dat/Frankie Natalie Choi - Ceci Glen Lee - Herman Wong Kei Sun - Albert Chloe Nguyen - Emily Amy Tsang - Daisy
Like: Sam Ming Wai Chung Patrick Sammy Hill
Chung & Sam Ming [From Hate To Love ^^] Family Fong ^^ Patrick & Sammy [Lovers]
Dislike: Alex Abbie Pansy Kei Kei
Theme: My Most Beloved by Eric Suen
Most Memorable Scene: - I love all Chung & Sam Ming scenes! From Hate To Love! The support from Sam Ming To Chung when she was in trouble! Funny & Emotional! - When Michelle kissed Sammy instead of Patrick. LOL - The kiss scene from Alex & Hillon the beach! - The scene when Hill broke up with Alex! She know he still loves Abbie! But she don't want to be the thirth person - When Abbie saved Yu Yok! Its the only scene where i dropped a tear ETC